WARNING: This is a staging site!
We usually reset the staging site every two weeks but it may be overwritten at any time.
Email us at web@terracycle.com if you would like a separate sandbox for testing purposes.

Dairy Tubs and Lids - Zero Waste Box™


Please send us any brand and size of dairy tubs and lids.

Main image

What you can recycle

  • Butter Tubs & Lids
  • Cream Cheese Tubs & Lids
  • Foil Tops
  • Plastic Seals
  • Pudding Tubs & Lids
  • Sour Cream Tubs & Lids
  • Whipped Topping Tubs & Lids
  • Yogurt Tubs & Lids

This box does not accept:

  • Fruit Cups
  • Plastic Food Containers
  • Plastic Food Storage Bags
Search for a different waste stream

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